Top Five Facts About Safety in the Work Place

Heavy equipment training, fall arrest training, rigging safety training, crane safety training, and construction safety training courses in general are some of the ways that the construction industry endeavors to keep its employees and those that they work near as safe as possible. Here are a few facts about the importance of safety training in the construction industry.
1. Between the years of 1995 and 1999, there was an astounding average of 362 construction related falls each year. Each and every one of these tragic falls resulted in a fatality. Fall protection equipment and its proper usage is one of the most important thing keeping construction workers safe.
2. Did you know that the four leading causes for construction related deaths include falls, electrocution, being struck by an object, and getting caught in between two objects? A lot of these can be prevented with the proper safety precautions and heavy equipment training.
3. Between the years 2012 2013, The United Kingdom only had 148 construction fatalities. That is an incredibly high 18 percent decrease from the year before as a result of improved safety measures.
4. Working in construction is one of the most dangerous occupations in the United States. In fact, in the year 2009, construction jobs caused more fatal injuries than any other industry.
5. Construction related accidents generally occur as a result of faulty or substandard equipment. Improvements in safety regulations is one of the best and quickest way to change this particular statistic.
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i really had no idea how dangerous it was to work in construction. i mean, i know that people on tv always get killed in construction sites, but i thought that was just because it was ominous and that it would scare people
i think that some of the figures might be exagerated. i think that if that many people really died in construction every year that we would hear about it. dont you think that it would be on the news? i think it would be.
i think that some of the figures might be exagerated. i think that if that many people really died in construction every year that we would hear about it. dont you think that it would be on the news? i think it would be.