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Secure SMS is Critical for Those in the Medical Industry

Secure SMS is extremely critical if you are in the medical industry. Protected Health Information (PHI) is covered under the HIPAA Privacy Rule. Various companies requiring secure SMS are the ones involved in electronic medical record keeping, health insurance companies, employers and the businesses that handle the national identifiers for service providers. People who work…

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Finding The Right Jackson Hole Land For Sale

Jackson Hole is the native home to over 60 mammal species and over 100 species of birds. Buyers trying to find Jackson Hole commercial real estate, Jackson Hole homes for sale, or any other type of Jackson hole real estate for sale need to be sure that they are looking carefully for the right property….

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Creating Unified Web Content with Franchise Friendly Software

Did you know that McDonalds is credited with making the franchise model of business popular? It was not the first franchise ever, but it showcased how creating and unifying franchises could be done very profitably. Franchise businesses are now an important part of the American consumer experience. People know that wherever they go, there are…