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Website Reseller Allows Academic to Focus on Strengths

Jennifer Newsom had been working as an assistant professor for just two years when she “inherited” the position of organizer for her university’s annual literature conference. “It’s one of those things,” she said with half a smile, “that you can’t say no to when you are new and working towards tenure.” Newsom was not given…


Becoming a Website Reseller Lets You Focus on Design

Are you a small website designer? Do you like giving your websites the feel that viewers are looking for? Many website designers get into the business to make beautiful or utilitarian websites. After all, the vast majority of you are graphic designers. The hard part comes a little later, with web development. You do it,…


Four Advantages You Could Experience as a Website Reseller

Are you done thinking about becoming a website reseller and are ready to actually become one? Good news if you finally are ready to embark on this online journey. You get various advantages to reselling websites, including jumping right in, getting a boost to your reputation, improving your financial bottom line and branching out into…