Tips for Buying, Selling, and Renovating Houses


Essential Facts About Installing New Flooring

Jan 17, 2014

According to the most recent statistics, there are more than 18,900 flooring services in the USA. With that many choices you would think that it would be easy to find a good deal. However, the average cost for a square yard of flooring is about…


Make Your Product More Accessible to Customers Through Custom Packaging

Jan 16, 2014

Do you have an original product that you know is poised to make an impact in the marketplace, but you need that extra something to help make it appealing to prospective customers? Working with product packaging designers–retail packaging design in particular–may be just what is…


Need to Invest in SEO? Here are a few Tips

Jan 15, 2014

Doing business online these days can be difficult no matter what kind of company you run or own. Finding the audience that you need to keep whatever company, regular website, or other business going can be more than a little bit difficult. One of the…


How an Adjustable Bed Can Help You

Jan 7, 2014

Let’s face it, there is nothing better than a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, many Americans suffer from problems that can keep them from getting a good night’s rest. These include problems like back pain and sleep apnea. However, an adjustable bed may be able to…


Is Social Security Being Stretched Too Thin?

Jan 7, 2014

Is it a mistake to rely on Social Security? According to HowStuffWorks, early retirees — or claimants receiving benefits at age 62 — take a 20% cut in Social Security funding and benefits. Moreover, Social Security is expected to climb only 1.5% this year; this…


Industrial Employers, Are You Risks Your Workers’ Health?

Jan 7, 2014

What price do you put on workers’ safety and well-being? According to Gallup, employee absenteeism — mostly resulting from occupational injuries and illnesses — costs U.S. companies $153 billion per year. Employers managing high-risk operations, such as industrial manufacturing and maintenance, are especially vulnerable to…