Spas Are More Than a Hot Soak in the Tub

There are plenty of cosmetic surgeons and licensed clinicians at day spas in the Atlanta area that are skilled in the art of body transformation and wellness therapy. Seeking out the wellness day spa in your area can help you achieve the physical goals you or your physician have set for yourself.
Some men and women are interested in having younger looking skin, a more youthful appearance or reducing the amount of wrinkles or fat. Many cosmetic surgeons will perform face lift procedures, waxing treatments, the vampire facelift, plastic surgery injections, face fat transfers and more. At a wellness day spa there are numerous solutions to looking younger, including the Obagi skin peel, Juvederm fillers, spa facial treatments and more.
The facelift surgical procedure is typically done to give patients a more youthful appearance. Also called a rhytidectomy, this procedure, performed by cosmetic surgeons in Northern Virginia, reshapes the lower third of the face by removing excess skin. Often times, during this procedure, the surgeon will tighten the underlying face tissues to firm up the surface skin.
Face lift procedures will often address other areas of the face including the forehead, cheeks, brows and eyes. This provides a tightened appearance throughout the whole face and gives the face a balanced look. Though facelifts have been popular mostly by women, a growing number of men are having the procedure done by cosmetic surgeons.
Not simply plastic surgery clinic, day spas combine a medical clinic with a day spa, operating under the supervision of medical doctor. A day spa can offer face lift procedures as well as treat conditions on your face and body such as irritations and discolorations, and broken capillaries that cannot be treated at all or as effectively by a traditional esthetician.
The use of Botox is common for treating aging and sometimes accompanies face lift procedures. This process involves use of botulinum toxin type A, Botox Cosmetic, to temporarily improve the appearance of moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows. The cosmetic use of botulinum toxin type A has become widespread, with many celebrities viewing it as less intrusive or artificial than other types of plastic surgery. The results of cosmetic procedures vary, but the results of Botox can last up to eight months. Not all uses of Botox are for the purpose of youthful appearance, however.
Botox has been approved by the FDA to treat chronic migraine headaches as well accompany face lift procedures. The botulinum toxin is injected into the head and neck to treat these chronic headaches. In addition to its cosmetic applications, Botox can also aid in the treatment of spasms and dystonias by weakening muscles for a period of about 60 to 70 days.
The range of age treatments are endless. You owe it to yourself to find out how cosmetic surgeons and wellness day spas can handle your aging and health related issues.